Pitch Competition
Pitch Competition
Pitch Competition
Pitch Competition
Pitch Competition
The Pitch Competition will start at 1:40 p.m.!
We are partnering with UCA’s College of Business for a pitch competition for college students!
Do you have a great business idea? Want to win a cash prize? Join us for a pitch competition with $500 worth of prizes! The competition will be at UCA’s College of Business in room 311 from 1:40 – 2:30 p.m. on April 24th. Come pitch your new business, network, and have fun!
You can attend as a contestant or an attendee.
Contestants: Open to college students who want to share any business idea for a chance to win $500! Rules – You have 60 seconds to pitch your idea in person, no more. No slides. No notes.Only one contestant can speak per pitch. Only one pitch per contestant.
Attendees: Open to anyone! Bring your classmates, friends, family – anyone! Just have them sign up as an audience member! (Attendees vote for the $250 People’s Choice Prize).
There will be two winners. The audience will select the People’s Choice. The Judges will select the Judges’ Choice. Each winner will receive a $250 check.
We are excited to hear from local college students!