How to Pitch Your Business

How to Pitch Your Business

Join Dr. Ron Duggins as he interacts with attendees on how to pitch their business! Dr. Duggins is one of Conductor’s Subject Matter Experts for Conductor Connect and is a professor at the University of Central Arkansas.

Dr. Ron Duggins is a professor of Innovation & Entrepreneurship and Professional Executive & Career Coach and coach trainer. In addition to teaching and coaching, his experience includes starting and managing business incubators and entrepreneurship programs; technical and higher education administration and curriculum development; and development and education projects in more than 10 countries. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in English, A Master’s Degree in English as a Second Language, a Master’s of Business Administration, and a Doctorate in Adult & Occupational Education. He also holds a Graduate Certificate in International Studies and a Post-Doctorate Certificate in International Business & Entrepreneurship.

We hope to see you there! (UCA College of Business, Room 311)


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